Friday, February 12, 2010


December 19, 2009 marked an important even in the Skidmore family's life and Jan's life in particular. She was granted her MA in Reading. Though the program did not mention it, she graduated with honors because of her grade point. Needless to say, I, Jessica, Tricia, David along with all the rest of family are extremely proud of her.
One of the things that stands out to me during these past couple years of study is how Jan would never settle for second rate or mediocre work. She pressed for excellence in every aspect of her study. Because of this attitude I am confident that she rose well above the expectations of her professors. Why push so hard when mediocre would get the job done? From the depths of her heart she wants to please Jesus in all she does. This shows in the quality of work, the degree of preparedness, and the depth of participation she put forth in all her classes. Another impressive aspect of her journey has been her willingness to stand up in class and disagree with her professors on a number of philosophical, theoretical, and practical issues. They may not have appreciated it at the time, but I know she caused them to rethink and consider different ideas.
What's next? Who knows? Only the Lord who has directed her steps to this point has a clear vision of her future. Fortunately (for her and for me) she continues walking with HIM hand in hand trusting HIM and HIS word to guide her steps and her path!

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