Thursday, February 11, 2010


"As long as it called "today" encourage one another."
"NOW is the time of salvation!"

These scriptures communicate a great principle. The past is gone. Tomorrow is not here. But now is always with us and it is new, never been seen, never been used. Now can't even be contemplated completely ahead of time. We may have a glimpse of what it would be like but no one knows for certain until it has come. Even then, we don't totally comprehend all that is going on in the present. All we know for certain is that it is brand new and will soon be gone as we enter into a new now.

God has made us to be present individuals. While some live in the past reminiscing, others live in the future always planning and dreaming. But God gives us insight into how to fully enjoy life -- live in the present. He made us in His own image after His own likeness. He is "THE GREAT I AM!" God is the only one who can say that with no qualifiers. We can say it, but always in the sense that we are incomplete and always progressing. God on the other hand is totally complete in every aspect of HIS being. We are a work in progress; HE is the finished product. HE is the I AM.

And God made us to be like that -- always in the present. He has fully forgiven our past; He has secured our future and will take care of all of our needs. Guilt-free living from past and worry-free living for the future. We can now be completely free to experience and enjoy the here and now! Really, all we truly have is now. And now is always new!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

"Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it...yet." -From my old favorite Anne of GG Tomorrow and today. Nice thoughts! Drink them in Esmerelda!