Saturday, July 18, 2009


Occasionally I read things in the Bible that make me scratch my head and ask, “Is this for me? Is this promise really mine?” You see, sometimes I feel like I have lost God’s favor, that I am no longer really part of the family, that perhaps I have sinned too much to be able to claim God’s promises.
Can you relate?
This dilemma kills my assurance. I know that the “prayers of a righteous man has much power in its working.” (James 5:17) I also know that I am not a righteous man all the time. Does this mean that the promise of God hearing and answering my prayers is dependent upon my obedience? And I know “if we walk in the light the way HE HIMSELF IS IN THE LIGHT, we continue to have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, HIS Son keeps cleansing us from all sin.” But how does this work in life? HE HIMSELF IS 100% light, there is no darkness in HIM, NONE AT ALL! So, if I am 100% perfectly obediently, then I continue to enjoy Christian fellowship and forgiveness of sins? Again, God’s fulfillment is dependent on my perfect obedience?
While it is true, God’s perfect, holy nature demands of HIS creation perfection and holiness, God also provides! What we could never accomplish on our own, weak as we are in the flesh, GOD DID. Jesus Himself lived absolutely, completely obedient to God in every way. He shared our EVERY WEAKNESS yet was without ANY sin. Having the value of every human being who has ever lived or who would ever live (or even every person who could live) – HE HIMSELF being CREATOR GOD, HE took our place, legally and legitimately, and totally, absolutely dealt with our sin while hanging on HIS cross. HIS death is our victory. HIS resurrection is our LIFE!
JESUS stands completely, 100% in perfect relationship with God. There is not even a hint of a
twinge of possible shadow of doubt in that reality. JESUS AND GOD ARE ONE! You and I,
having surrendered ourselves to HIM totally and continuing to trust HIM now, LIVE IN CHRIST.
God placed us solidly in Jesus and HIS SPIRIT lives in us. That is what happened in your immersion into Christ --- you surrendered to Jesus as your MASTER, you were buried into CHRIST, into HIS death, and you were raised to walk in HIM, in new LIFE! (Romans 6:1-4) Your obedience and your righteousness have been accomplished as a finished, perfected act of Christ. It is HIS gift to you.
You are now in Christ, and so, you now possess all that is HIS! Unless you deliberately, flagrantly
turn your back on HIM and walk away back into a life of sin (Galatians 5:19-21) or attempt to
establish your rightness with God based on any legalistic set of rules and rituals (Galatians 1-5), you will always remain in HIS grace. Otherwise, you have “fallen from grace, severed yourselves from Christ” (Galatians 5:1-5)
Bottom line is this: as you continue to live your life trusting in Jesus and learning to live from Him (grow as HIS disciple), you remain in Him and He is remaining in you. AND 2 Corinthians 1:20 is still true for you – “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.” Are you in CHRIST? THEN EVERY PROMISE OF GOD TO THE CHRISTIAN IS “YES” TO YOU TOO!

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