Thursday, November 29, 2007

Entering the Blogosphere

Today is a new beginning for me. I plan to write fairly regularly on this site and ramble on concerning various issues providing extraordinary insights and motivations. They may not seem to others as extraordinary or motivating as they seem to me at the time I write them, but they will be my insights (mostly, to the best of my ability, or at least if they are other people's insights, they won't be outright plagiarisms! If I know that the ideas I am expressing are someone else's, I will site them or reference that they are another's ideas and not my own.)

My pledge to you: to write openly and honestly about current thoughts and experiences. It is not my intention to hurt or offend others. It is my intention to encourage everyone who reads this and to allow others to write freely whatever is on their minds or in their hearts. All comments are welcome. My only request is that if you choose to reply to any posting, that you be courteous and thoughtful and that you follow Christlike guidelines in your motivation and termonology.

For those interested the Boise church has been posting videos and audio recordings of my sermons online.
Click here to view or listen.


Kyler Erwin said...

Glad to have you on the blog train. Can't wait to see what you write. But do please write.

Kevin Skidmore said...

ok. thanks!