Saturday, May 3, 2008


I have no idea most of the time how God works. I am just sure that HE is working. HIS work is in the invisible realm (seed germinates and grows UNDERGROUND; sperm and egg unite and child begins, grows -- IN THE WOMB; water evaporates, rises, forms into clouds, and rains down on us). True in the physical, truer in the spiritual. Because we can't see it, aren't aware of it, or have no direct hand in it doesn't mean it is not happening. Word-of-God-seed-work in the heart of a person is invisible. You may have had a hand in planting God's word in someone's life that later takes sprout due to a series of unfortunate and difficult circumstances (farmers are not the only ones who can use manure to cause things to grow!) The amazing thing about this is that it may take 25-30 years to produce fruit, and the person and you may not even remember the initial planting, but GOD brought someone else to water the seed, and/or caused/used stressful circumstances to fertilize the seed, or sent great blessings to add sunshine.
Got a call from a fellow who showed up to church one day with the woman and three kids he had connected with. They said they were seeking a church family. We befriended them and helped in some rough spots. Then after Christmas they dropped out of sight. I and others tried to make contact. No luck.
Four months have passed and suddenly out of the blue he calls and states that he has two questions: "How can I get into the ministry? I think God wants to use me to help people find HIM." And, "Could we talk about me getting baptized? I haven't been baptized yet and feel I need to do this as a sign of my surrender to the Lord." I don't know what has been going on but I know this --- GOD HAS BEEN WORKING!
The final chapter on this young family's life has not been written. I am excited to see how the Lord is going to grow them and use them in kingdom enterprise.
So, why am I writing this? To encourage you to keep going even when you don't see God working. Just know that HE IS. And to encourage you to open your eyes and be aware that white fields to harvest are already around us everywhere because God has already been working in the lives of people we haven't met yet. And to encourage you to pray that the Lord will open more opportunities to tell the good news, will give you eyes to see the opportunities, will give you boldness to take the opportunities, will give you wisdom to know what to say - when to say it - and how to say it, and then help you realize that you played a role by allowing HIM to use you as a part of that person's coming to and growing up in the Lord.


Anonymous said...

How long do you think it would take god to clean my room?

Jessica said...


Jessica said...

when are you going to post again?